Friday, December 11, 2009

Yes, it's Friday!

Oh, how proud I am! It is Friday, everyone! Yes, yes, yes! And you know what that means? Tomorrow there is no school! But I get a headache from my sister on the weekends...LOL.
Anyway, I woke up at about 9:32 AM and hung out with my mom in the morning. I had Strawberry Cereal, yum yum! And then got dressed and did school. Today I only had seven things to do! YES!
Then I just sorta hung around the house. Good news, my mom might be taking just me out. Because, ofcourse, I'm the first and her only daughter :D. lol I'm so odd.
So, guys, are you excited for CHRISTMAS? It's coming up! Oh come on, you all are excited! So guys, what do you want for Christmas? I really am excited to see what I get. But if I never got anything, that would be okay. I would have FAMILY and Jesus Christ! What more could I ask for?